Writer * Worldbuilder * Life Coach
Posted on August 16, 2019 by Roffino
So you’re a new student to college? I have a few thoughts for you to consider that might help you get through faster with less trouble.
I hope you’re excited and hopeful about this journey. I wish you tons of successes in school endeavors. However, part of trying something you’ve never done before is the challenge, which means there will be difficult and stressful times. Most people who go through college (or apprenticeships, or certificate programs) have struggles and failures as well as the successes, myself included. But try not to worry. It happens, and struggles make us stronger. And remember that when crap happens, one way to look at it is that the universe is unfolding exactly as it should.
But it’s a lot easier to stay focused and get back up when we struggle or fail if we have people speaking positivity to us or asking about our homework. Do you have people pushing for you in a positive way? I hope so, but many if not most community college students are like, “No, but that would be nice.” If this is you, start thinking about adjusting your friend groups by adding more positive, goal-minded people. How? Join clubs and stuff. Say hi in your classes. Need help building a support network? Ask professors, student life staff, kids from clubs that sound interesting, or ask students who seem to have their stuff together.
There’s no judgment here when I ask this, but what are your goals for the school year? Haven’t thought about it? NO WORRIES! But start building this positive habit (goal-setting & assessing). What do you hope to achieve in the next week or month? What are your plans to achieve those goals? How can you be sure you’ll get there? WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING? What are you willing to do to get it?
Here’s a brief request for those of you looking for more confidence: Find ONE little goal that you know you can achieve this week, and then make yourself do it. (For example, I will cook ONE healthy meal myself.) Don’t make it too big at first – we’re trying to build confidence here in an area where you may have less confidence. Then when you achieve your goal, celebrate your victory and tell someone about it!
This was inspired by a great reading on guiding people toward POSITIVE FULFILLMENT that a fellow coach forwarded to me. Read it here, if you would like.
I have seen that when people find ways to focus on their goals every day, they are more likely to achieve them and develop confidence. It sounds true, doesn’t it? Believe it, and believe in your ability to do. To make. To become.
You are fresh, you are creative, you are brave enough to try. Everyone can be if they choose this.
I’m here if any of you need me. For advice, for English crap, for Coaching. Let me know how I can help you in your great plans. Let me know if you need help coming up with you plans, too.
Category: College Success & Tips, Life Coaching Related, Positivity & Hope Tags: college, goals, support
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